You can find all statistics and responses for a particular form in the Results section. There are two ways to reach the section:
- In the My Forms area, find the required form on the list of all created forms and then click the envelope icon on the right.
- If you are working on a particular form, you can switch between the Builder and the Results sections that are located at the top of the interface. The responses are listed in the Form -> Results -> Response Inbox section.
Click any response to open it and see what users wrote in each field of your form. You can download any response in CSV, Excel or PDF if you need – just open the response you want to download and click the corresponding icon in the top right corner of the interface. Read how to download multiple responses as PDF or Excel/CSV files below.
How can I get responses for a custom time range?
- To set a custom time range, open a calendar that is located at the top right corner of the Response Inbox section and use the navigation arrows to navigate to any month and year in the past. You can also click on the Month or Year to get a navigation pop-over and select the desired month and year from drop-down menus.
- After you have reached a desired month, click a date in the month to select it as the start date. The date will turn green. Then slide your mouse over other dates of your desired months and click a date to set it as the end date.
- Click Apply.
The list will display all the responses you got for the specified time range, including responses on the start and end dates.
How can I download multiple responses as an Excel/CSV file? How can I download multiple PDF reports simultaneously?
- Go to the Form -> Results -> Response Inbox section and set a desired time range.
- To select multiple responses that are available for the time range, click the checkbox that is located above the list of responses.
- If you have so many responses that not all of them can be displayed on one page, you will see a link-button Select all N responses in the chosen time period. Click this button to select all responses that are available for the specified time range.
- Click the Download icon that is located next to the upper left checkbox.
- Choose your desired format: Excel, CSV, or PDF. Click Download.
Tip: You can customize the look and feel of your PDF response reports, e.g. to include or exclude images, texts and hidden fields from your PDF files, go to the Form-> Builder -> Set up -> PDF section.